What if someone you care about doesn’t support your dream?

What if someone you care about doesn’t support your dream?

A few weeks ago, I asked my audience what I could help them manifest, and their replies did not disappoint. I was in awe of their dreams and aspirations! But, several of them expressed that not everyone in their lives has been supportive of their goals.

It’s challenging when you have this vision that makes you giddy every time you think about it, but when you share it with certain people, you’re met with nay-saying comments, like, “Don’t you have to be X to fulfill that goal?” or “It’s going to be very difficult for you to succeed in that business.”

Your energy quickly shifts from excitement to doubt, disappointment, and worry. And if you dwell on their negative comment and repeat it to yourself long enough, it eventually becomes your new belief…and just like that, you’re giving up on your dream.

As hard as it is, I want you to try to tune out the voice of society and people who have expectations of what they think you “should” be doing. If you have a strong desire to fulfill a dream and it’s not to the detriment of anyone else, then keep going.

In fact, I’m a big fan of keeping my goals to myself until they manifest. I typically only share them with people I know will be supportive and kind, so I don’t have anyone mucking with my energy. You might consider doing the same. Like Glennon Doyle said, “We must stop asking people for directions to places they’ve never been.” 

You can have the most well-intentioned, loving people in your life who don’t understand your goals or get your vision, and that’s okay. They probably just don’t realize what you’re capable of, or they’re offering advice based on their own desires or limiting beliefs that have absolutely nothing to do with you.

It might not be in their wheelhouse to imagine living out your dream – and they don’t need to. The only thing that matters is that you believe in yourself. You have this dream inside of you for a reason, so don’t give up.

Try to make it a daily habit to be present and tap into the wisdom and guidance from your higher, wiser self – that part of you that’s connected to God/Source energy and believes you can be, do, or have anything your heart desires.

You know when you’re connected to that higher wisdom because you feel good. If you’re feeling bad, it simply means you need to challenge your conscious (and subconscious) thoughts and beliefs holding you back. (I’ll show you how to do that.)

Because when you’re connected to that higher, wiser part of yourself, not only do you feel good, you also get bombarded with inspiration. I want you to use that inspiration to create a plan for your future.

Instead of worrying about failing, start asking yourself, “What if I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I will accomplish this dream?”  Then, take action from that high-energy, inspired mindset.

And when your dreams become reality, be sure to email me and tell me all about it!

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