How to reach your goals Part I – The Reticular Activating System

How to reach your goals Part I – The Reticular Activating System

If you grew up in the 80s (like I did), you might remember those “choose your own adventure” books.  I used to love those! The main character would come to a crossroads in the book where the reader could decide what they wanted to happen next based on at least two possible outcomes. Then, the reader would turn to that page in the book to discover the character’s next adventure. It gave the reader control over the outcome of the story.

Hopefully, you already know you have that same power in your life. You are the main character in your own “choose your own adventure” story, except you have so many different paths you get to choose from.

I’m going to teach you how to create a story you can get really excited about. So, if you feel like you’re going through the motions or that life is happening to you, not for you, this will completely change your perspective.

We’re going to work together to create a blueprint to achieve your goals and dreams. I want to help you see that you are far more powerful than you realize.

Over the next several weeks, I’m going to show you several methods you can use to help shift your mind and manifest a happier, more fulfilling life.

Are you ready for your next adventure?

Let’s start with the Reticular Activating System or RAS.  As you are painfully aware, we have thousands of thoughts every single day, but our brains can only focus on so many things at a time. This is where the RAS comes into play. This bundle of nerves in our brainstems is responsible for helping us organize all our thoughts, only allowing certain information into the conscious mind.

As soon as you give your RAS a command, it goes to work to sort through all that data, filtering out the unnecessary information so the important stuff can get through. It then highlights the information you need to help you fulfill your goal.

For example, say you’re looking to buy a white camper van. Then, everywhere you look, that’s all you see. It’s because you’ve given your brain a command to focus on white camper vans.

So, when you set a specific goal, you’re activating your RAS to seek out opportunities, signs, and evidence to help make it a reality.

If your goal is to have more fulfillment in your life, I recommend writing in a gratitude journal every evening. Knowing this activity is part of your routine will train your RAS to focus on the good throughout the day, helping to rewire your mind. Eventually, having a more positive outlook will come naturally to you, even the simple pleasures in life.

I want to help you get to the point where you feel truly content with where you are RIGHT NOW because there’s big magic that comes from that place. The more content you feel in the present moment, the more good you will manifest.

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