This simple mind shift could change your life

This simple mind shift could change your life

I think we could all use this advice right now. If you’re someone who deals with anxiety, negative self-talk, or over-thinking, this is a must-read. This simple mind shift could truly change your life.

I stumbled onto this Mel Robbins video (below) and it really resonated with me. As I’m sure you’re painfully aware, we have thousands of thoughts running through our minds every single day, usually thinking the same thoughts over and over. Unfortunately not all our thoughts are very positive. When we let negative thinking take over, we can get trapped in a negative thought loop.

Mel Robbin (author of The High Five Habit) calls it the “what if” loop. We start future tripping and worrying about things like, “What if I fail? What if I say the wrong thing? What if I make a fool out of myself? What if they judge me? What if they don’t like me?” When we doubt ourselves, our actions reflect our thoughts which can manifest into self-defeating behaviors.

“A belief is only a thought that you keep thinking.” – Abraham-Hicks

Mel challenges us to interrupt and stop that “what if” loop as soon as it starts. What if instead of worrying about the negative side of the “what if”, we asked ourselves, “What if it all works out?” The circumstances stay the same but now you have a much better way to handle the situation.

That simple mind shift alters your emotional response (and the vibration you’re emitting), and your emotions alter your actions. When we have a positive attitude about who we are and our ability to succeed, it can totally change our outlook on life. As Mel puts it, you just need to “tap into the resilience, courage, confidence, and strength that is in you – that’s waiting to help you” which is the same as tapping into the wisdom of your higher self.

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.” – Henry Ford

Now I want you to go deep for a moment and think about what you truly want in your life. What gets you excited when you think about it? I also want you to get really honest with yourself about what’s not working so you can use the contrast to figure out what you want to change for the better. When you get clear on what that is, start asking yourself, “What if this works out for me?”

I’d also like to note, change can be really challenging, even if you’re changing for the better. Our ego has a hard time letting go of what’s familiar so it resists it. I know every time I start letting go of a negative belief system that’s holding me back, I notice a lot of discomfort in my body. I now recognize that as a really good sign.

Lastly, I’d like to point out that sometimes difficult times are preparing us for something better. When something doesn’t work out, it can be the Universe’s way of saying, “I have something so much better planned for you!” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone through a tough time only to realize there was something much better on the other side of my pain.

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” – Wayne Dyer

My advice is to tap into your higher, wiser self, try to silence the voice of the inner critic, and convert the negative “what if” loop to…“What if this works out for me?” 


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