In my last two blogs, I talked about how your Reticular Activating System (RAS) and creating new neurons can help you reach your goals. Now, let’s take it one step further and talk about the placebo effect and the power of faith.
As you probably already know, the placebo effect occurs when someone receives a drug or treatment and experiences a beneficial outcome that can’t be attributed to the properties of the drug or treatment itself because they have faith.
According to the dictionary, faith is a “firm belief in something for which there is no proof.”
Numerous studies have proven that a placebo can be just as effective as the actual medicine or treatment because the person believes the placebo will help them achieve their desired results.
Let me show you how powerful you can be when you have a dream that you feel passionately about combined with a strong belief it will become your reality.
I want to share a fascinating story about author and international speaker Dr. Joe Dispenza, who’s been actively researching neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics to better understand the science behind spontaneous remissions.
In 1986, Dr. Dispenza was in a triathlon on the biking portion of the race and was hit by a car going about 55 miles per hour. He broke six vertebrae and suffered multiple major compression fractures in his spine.
He was told he would have to undergo major surgery on his spine, or he would NEVER walk again. Even after receiving THREE different opinions saying the same thing, he chose not to have the surgery.
Instead, he decided to put his faith in the Universe and devised a mental plan to try and heal himself. Every day, he would imagine his vertebrae being reconstructed. Of course, he had to work really hard to override his negative thoughts around, “What if this doesn’t work?”.
It took a lot of practice to get to the point where his limiting thoughts didn’t enter his mind. Eventually, the process started getting easier, and he was able to spend up to three hours a day focusing his mind on healing his spine. Then, one day, he noticed his body was beginning to respond.
It took only 9 ½ weeks before he was back on his feet and walking again, despite the medical diagnosis he received from multiple doctors. He practiced seeing and feeling himself as healed, and that’s what happened.
Since that day, Dr. Dispenza has helped thousands of people all over the world focus their intentions and heal their bodies. His work helps us realize how powerful we all are and that our only limitations are the ones we put on ourselves. Dr. Dispenza summed it up perfectly in his book, You Are The Placebo.
Your takeaway here is realizing you can achieve almost anything you want when you have faith that you can do it, and from that mindset, take inspired action to get your desired results.
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