Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting Your privacy is important to us. We want you to feel safe when you visit this website(s) and any related courses.

This Privacy Policy outlines our guidelines concerning the use of your personal information, including our efforts to protect it, and the choices you have concerning how we use that information. We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time without notice. We will post any changes here so that you will always know our policy regarding what information we gather, and how we use that information.

Scope of Privacy 

This Privacy Policy refers to the information we have collected from you to send you informative emails, provide certain services, and/or to give you product recommendations (such as, but not limited to, all information and opportunities shared with you through our website and email). It does not cover any information collected offline, nor does it cover the conduct of any third-party sites. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of any third-party sites or services before providing any of them with your personal information.

Personal Information

Relating to the services and/or products we provide, we may request personal information from you (such as your name, street address, telephone number, credit card number, and e-mail address). We only collect personal information from you if you voluntarily submit such information.

We will never intentionally disclose any personal information to any third parties without your permission (through opting-in or similar procedures) except as provided for herein or otherwise as permitted or required under Applicable Laws. We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your personal information, except as set forth herein.

We collect your information:

  • To send you information at your request;
  • To personalize your experience;
  • To improve our website(s);
  • To improve customer service; 
  • To process transactions; and
  • To provide testimonials; 

We may contact you based on the information you provide online in connection with the services or information we offer or use the information in connection with the performance of the services. We will only share information with necessary third parties for the purpose of carrying out such services and/or request for product(s). Your participation constitutes your consent to such disclosure and use of such information. In the event that your personal information is requested as part of our surveys, polls, or promotions, such personal information may be added to your registration information.

If you give us your permission or otherwise “opt-in”, we may use personal information for marketing and promotional purposes. We will give you an opportunity to “opt-in” at the time our request for your personal information is made. Please note, however, that under certain circumstances, if you initially do not choose to “opt-in” or if you later “opt-out,” you may not be eligible for certain benefits, information, or services for which personal information is required.

These policies have the following exceptions: We will release specific information to comply with any valid legal inquiry or process or any Applicable Laws. We will also release specific information in special cases, such as if there is an attempted breach of the security of the sites or a physical or property threat to you or others. Any information you provide when making a purchase will be shared with payment processors, financial gateways, credit card companies, and any other necessary third parties. If you publicly post personal information on our site, that information can be collected and used by third parties.

Although we strive to protect our users’ privacy, we cannot guarantee the security of information you post on our website(s) and/or social media accounts and have no control over how such third parties may use your information. You disclose such information at your own risk. We strongly suggest that you never post your last name, address, or phone number on any site or social media platform.

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account information and password, if applicable. You shall be responsible for all uses of your account, whether or not authorized by you. You agree to notify me immediately of any unauthorized use of your account or password.

If you are within the European Union, see below (Opt-Out and GDPR) to understand the choices you have about the ways we use your personal information.

Non-Personal Identification Information

We may collect non-personal information through the use of, without limitation, cookies, IP address tracking, and web beacons.

Non-personal information might include the browser you use, the type of computer you use, your operating system, or your internet service provider. Our software may also automatically gather information about your location, the areas you visit and search terms you use on our website, and about the links you may select from within our site to other areas of the web or elsewhere online.

We use such information for business purposes to better manage advertising and other promotions and to understand how our users use our site and improve the site.

We may aggregate and share non-personal information with partners, suppliers, and other third parties to complete orders, but we will not share any individual names, personal navigational, or other personal information without your consent and we maintain control over how your non-personal information will be used.

An “IP address” is a unique number that is automatically assigned to your computer when you connect to the Internet. It is used to identify your computer’s “location” in cyberspace so that the information you request can be delivered to you. IP addresses do not include your name, email address, or other information that identifies you personally, but in some cases, they can be used to identify you. For example, if you have registered with our site, we may link your IP address to account information that identifies you personally. We may also provide your IP address to my third-party service providers who can use it to identify your state and zip code. This gives us valuable demographic information about the individuals who use our site. In addition, if we suspect inappropriate or criminal activity or a threat to the security of this site or its users, we may share server logs—which contain users’ IP addresses—with the appropriate investigative authorities, who could use that information to trace and identify individuals.

Opt-Out and GDPR

We provide opportunities to unsubscribe/opt-out from our emails in all newsletters and marketing emails and you may choose to do so at any time.

If you live in the European Union, you may also use the unsubscribe/opt-out features to request that we redact your personal information from our records. We will comply within a reasonable time and, in any case, within the time limits established by applicable law. We may ask you for additional information to verify your identity. In some cases, however, we may limit or deny your request if were are unable to verify your identity.

If you need further assistance with unsubscribing or opting-out of any of the services, or with the redaction of your personal information, please email the owner at Please note that we may not be able to remove your information from the records of any third parties who have received your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

At our discretion, we may determine that your lack of engagement in the newsletter or general emails indicates your desire to opt-out of receiving them in the future. For example, you may be removed from our list if you have not opened an email for a certain period of time. You may opt-in again at any time.

How long do we keep your information?

We will retain your information indefinitely until you opt-out, request removal, or we choose to remove it.

Security Policy

By using our site, you assume the risk of an unauthorized security breach. Even though we and the third-party affiliates we work with take reasonable measures to secure your personal information, we cannot guarantee that our efforts will be completely effective.

Consent to Transfer

This site(s) is operated from the United States. If you are located outside of the United States, be aware that any information you provide to us will be transferred to the United States. By using our site, participating in any of the services, and/or providing us with your information, you consent to this transfer.

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