How to reach your goals Part IV – The Law of Attraction

How to reach your goals Part IV – The Law of Attraction

You’ve probably heard about the Law of Attraction or what’s commonly referred to as “manifesting.” The first time I heard about the LOA was listening to a Wayne Dyer tape (yes, tape). I somehow knew this universal power would forever change my life, but I had no idea just how much. I’ve seen it work time and time again in my life and the lives of the people I’ve shared it with. Now, it’s your turn.

According to the Law of Attraction, when you think a thought or “launch a rocket of desire” (as Abraham-Hicks calls it), that energy goes out into the Universe and brings back to you a matching vibration, manifesting in kind to what you wished for.  

There’s a lot that goes into the manifesting process, but let me break it down for you in four basic steps. And if you’re struggling to figure out what you want, be sure to complete the intention-setting workbook in my Freebie Library.

Step 1: Get clear about your goals and “ask” the Universe for what you want

Let GoThe first step is to simply ask the Universe for what you want by writing it down, asking out loud, reviewing your vision board, or praying. As you do this, it’s essential to visualize and feel what it would be like to have the result of your desire. Your dream is not something far off in the future. In your mind, it’s already here. Present tense.

The key is in the feeling because that’s what launches the rocket of desire. If you can see and feel the end result, the Universe will go to work to match the frequency of your desire. The Universe is unlimited, so don’t be afraid to dream big. Manifestation follows the vibration, but nothing happens without the initial thought-feeling.

Also, it’s usually better to go general with your requests. Sometimes, we think we know what we want, express the desire, and the Universe brings us something better. It might be different than what we asked for – but better. It can be easy to miss out on the fulfilled wish because it comes in a different form than expected. That’s why it’s important to pay close attention to the signs and not be too anchored on how the outcome is supposed to look.

“Everything is energy. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you will get that reality. It can be no other way.”  – Albert Einstein

Step 2: Believe it will happen and match your vibration (emotion) to your desire

4 Steps to Manifest What You WantRemove doubt and any thought that goes against this desire. Have faith that this “wish” to the Universe will come true. Faith can be so powerful, don’t you think? Also, ask yourself, “What would it take…?” For example, “What would it take to afford my dream home? What would it take to fall in love again?”  That opens the way for possibilities and removes obstacles. You don’t have to know “how” right away. Your desire is there and the Universe will help provide the answers.

It also helps to change your internal dialog to “I am so grateful for…” (Stated it in the present tense.) If you imagine you already have what you want, the energy of that fulfillment will begin to line up, but if you state that you are still wanting something in the future, the wanting feeling only leads to more wanting.

Now, in order for the Universe to match your vibration, you need to be an energetic match to your desire. This means having an elevated emotion, so you may need to work on overriding any conscious and subconscious limiting beliefs, doubts, blocks, and worries that might sabotage your alignment.

In fact, your subconscious mind is far more powerful than your conscious mind. It’s responsible for creating about 95% of your reality, affecting your quality of life and your ability to manifest. I have some tools in my online course that will help you break the pattern of your negative subconscious programming, remove energetic blocks, create habits to prevent counter-manifesting, and exercises to help you raise your vibration. 

“Live your life as if everything is rigged in your favor.” – Rumi

Step 3: Let go and take inspired action

travelThe third step is to let go and take inspired action. When you let go of resistance (doubt and worry) and get out of your own way, magic can happen. If you truly believe at your core that your dreams are coming true, it leaves room for creation. At this point, it’s about being open to inspiration and synchronicities that come into your life. The solution is there, you just have to be ready for it.

One thing I should clarify, I’m not saying relax and just let the Universe take care of everything for you. I’m saying you’ll become aware of the action to take through the signs, thoughts, people, books, etc…that come into your life. You become a co-creator with God, Source, Universe, or whatever you call your Divine. Have faith and release the resistance that it won’t work out.

“What you resist persists.” – Carl Jung

Step 4: Express Gratitude

4 Steps to Manifest What You WantThe fourth and final step is to receive the outcome of your desire and express gratitude. The receiving part probably won’t happen automatically, nor would you always want it to. Sometimes you need to make sure it’s what you want. But when it does happen, be grateful. Your wish has been granted! Plus, gratitude begets more gratitude because of your elevated vibration.

“Every time you appreciate something, every time you praise something, every time you feel good about something, you are telling the Universe: ‘More of this, please.’ You need never make another verbal statement of this intent, and if you are mostly in a state of appreciation, all good things will flow to you.” – Abraham-Hicks

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  • Tamra

    I don’t know why it took me so long to read this one but I love it! We should do amanifestation night. Drink wine and ask the universe for those things we both are driving towards! Great article!!!! Thank you for this.

    • monwray1213

      Thanks Tamra! I think you’re my biggest supporter. I so appreciate that! Yes, let’s have a manifestation party! I would love that!

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