Election insights and how to move forward if you’re struggling

Election insights and how to move forward if you’re struggling

Normally, I don’t mix politics with coaching, but, as you know, I’m all about mental health and happiness, so I decided to make an exception. I know some of you are struggling with the results of this election and worried about how that might affect the future of the planet, the U.S., your community, your families, and yourselves, so I have some thoughts that will hopefully help. And if you're happy with the election results,…
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How to reach your goals Part IV – The Law of Attraction

How to reach your goals Part IV – The Law of Attraction

You've probably heard about the Law of Attraction or what's commonly referred to as "manifesting." The first time I heard about the LOA was listening to a Wayne Dyer tape (yes, tape). I somehow knew this universal power would forever change my life, but I had no idea just how much. I've seen it work time and time again in my life and the lives of the people I've shared it with. Now, it's your…
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How to reach your goals Part III – The Placebo Effect

How to reach your goals Part III – The Placebo Effect

In my last two blogs, I talked about how your Reticular Activating System (RAS) and creating new neurons can help you reach your goals. Now, let’s take it one step further and talk about the placebo effect and the power of faith. As you probably already know, the placebo effect occurs when someone receives a drug or treatment and experiences a beneficial outcome that can’t be attributed to the properties of the drug or treatment…
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How to reach your goals Part II – Rewire your brain

How to reach your goals Part II – Rewire your brain

You may have heard of Neurotransmitters. These chemical messengers in our brains control everything in our bodies, including our breathing, heartbeat, and muscle movement. Our brains send these chemical messengers from one neuron to the next, and these neurons connect through a network of pathways from one area of our brain to another. When you repeatedly use a neural pathway, the neurons strengthen, making the thought or action easier to repeat. Picture it like a…
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How to reach your goals Part I – The Reticular Activating System

How to reach your goals Part I – The Reticular Activating System

If you grew up in the 80s (like I did), you might remember those "choose your own adventure" books.  I used to love those! The main character would come to a crossroads in the book where the reader could decide what they wanted to happen next based on at least two possible outcomes. Then, the reader would turn to that page in the book to discover the character's next adventure. It gave the reader control…
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Do you struggle with feeling worthy?

Do you struggle with feeling worthy?

First off, you’re not alone if you struggle with feelings of worthiness. It’s very common to have self-doubt and insecurities, especially when you're reaching for a big goal that you really want. But I want you to know, you are absolutely 100% worthy of your dreams.  Don’t believe me? Let me ask you something: when exactly did you become “unworthy”? Was it when you were born? Would anyone ever look at a newborn baby and…
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What if someone you care about doesn’t support your dream?

What if someone you care about doesn’t support your dream?

A few weeks ago, I asked my audience what I could help them manifest, and their replies did not disappoint. I was in awe of their dreams and aspirations! But, several of them expressed that not everyone in their lives has been supportive of their goals. It’s challenging when you have this vision that makes you giddy every time you think about it, but when you share it with certain people, you’re met with nay-saying…
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Taking my own path: Child-free by choice

Taking my own path: Child-free by choice

I read an article about how more and more people are choosing not to have children. According to this Today Show article, “About 44% of people ages 18 to 49 report it’s unlikely or 'not too likely' they’ll have children.” So, if you're deliberating, I thought I would share my story and perspective. When I was around 30 years old, I came to the conclusion I didn’t want to have children. It was sort of…
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This simple mind shift could change your life

This simple mind shift could change your life

I think we could all use this advice right now. If you’re someone who deals with anxiety, negative self-talk, or over-thinking, this is a must-read. This simple mind shift could truly change your life. I stumbled onto this Mel Robbins video (below) and it really resonated with me. As I’m sure you’re painfully aware, we have thousands of thoughts running through our minds every single day, usually thinking the same thoughts over and over. Unfortunately…
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15 ways to increase your happiness

15 ways to increase your happiness

We live in a world that can be chaotic and stressful. As soon as we turn on the tv, we're bombarded with negative news. The events going on in the world and in our own lives can make us feel powerless and unhappy at times, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We have control over our happiness through the thoughts, actions, and choices we make every day. Here are 15 ways to help…
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Is your ego sabotaging your happiness?

Is your ego sabotaging your happiness?

In this blog, I'm going to talk about challenging that not-so-kind voice of the ego that can make people feel bad about themselves and their place in life. It's important to recognize and silence the voice of the inner critic when she starts making shit up. The Cambridge dictionary defines the ego as: “The idea or opinion that you have of yourself, especially and in particular the level of your ability and intelligence and your importance as a person.” Unfortunately, our…
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5 steps to setting and achieving your goals

5 steps to setting and achieving your goals

At least once a year, I take an assessment of my life and figure out how I want to improve it. I look at what makes me happy (what’s working) and what I want to manifest (improve upon or change). If you're feeling the need to do this too, follow these 5 steps to setting and achieving your goals Step 1: Make a list of what you’d like to manifest Write each goal in the…
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How to improve your mood if you’re having a bad day

How to improve your mood if you’re having a bad day

It's normal to have days when you're just not feeling like your best self - whether you're stressed, angry, anxious, sad...or even just "meh". It's part of life, but there are actions you can take to help improve your mood if you're having a bad day. I feel like society has conditioned us to raise our social masks when we're not feeling like our best selves but it's important not to hide our emotions or…
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15 ways to help overcome depression

15 ways to help overcome depression

If you feel like you might be depressed, you're not alone. Did you know there are over 300 million people around the world who suffer from this disorder? Continue reading to learn about possible causes, symptoms to look for, and 15 ways that might help overcome depression. Depression Can Affect Anyone This mood disorder is the most common mental illness in the U.S. One in ten Americans suffer from it, and women are twice more…
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100 activities for you and the family

100 activities for you and the family

Since the pandemic started, we've all been feeling a little antsy at times, especially since we're spending more time at home. If you're looking for things to do, here are 100 activities for you and the family... 1. Get lost in a good book like Last of the Moon Girls by Barbara Davis. I read this recently and could not put it down. It's so good! (suspense/drama/romance) 2. Get creative with your Photoshop skills  >…
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Recommended TV shows and movies

Recommended TV shows and movies

I keep adding to the list, but here's a pretty broad selection of recommended TV shows and movies, and if you're looking for other entertainment ideas, here are 100 activities for you and the family. TV Shows Comedy / Comedy-Drama / Rom-Com Ted Lasso, Schitt's Creek, Veep, White Collar, Ghosts, Jane the Virgin, Emily in Paris, Somebody Somewhere, The Afterparty, Letterkenny, Arrested Development, Better Off Ted, Insecure, Parks & Recreation, Castle, Last Man Standing, Will…
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Sitting with your emotions to cope with pain

Sitting with your emotions to cope with pain

It’s not realistic for anyone to stop having negative emotions. It’s part of what makes us human. It’s a rite of passage to living full lives. We often ignore our emotions hoping they'll just go away, but sometimes it's better to sit with your emotions to cope with pain.  As you may have noticed, society as a whole hasn't always encouraged honest, genuine emotion unless it’s deemed positive. Children are often taught to “buck-up” or…
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