This online course is your step-by-step blueprint for gaining unshakable self-worth, becoming a magnet for fulfilling relationships, and designing a life filled with exciting experiences and opportunities.


Does this sound like you?
You struggle with confidence and feelings of worthiness.
You wish your life was more fulfilling.
You worry about failing or being rejected.
You’re riddled with insecurities, anxiety, and self-doubt.
You feel insecure around new people and situations.
You feel stuck and need a little direction.
You find it scary to express your true, authentic self.
You keep comparing your life to others and feel inadequate.
You wish you had more faith in yourself and the larger plan.
You’re ready to discover the secrets to manifesting the right way.

I used to resonate with ALL of those statements. I overcame them and manifested many wonderful opportunities, experiences, and people into my life, including my husband.  I’ve spent over 15 years researching these life-changing tools and have helped several women manifest their dreams. Now, it’s your turn.

5 common reasons you haven’t manifested what you want

1. You have conscious or subconscious limiting beliefs, fears, or negative stories that are stronger than your desire.

2. You don’t feel worthy of your dream, like being in a healthy, loving relationship, for example.

3. You have energetic blocks causing you to counter-manifest.

4. You’re unclear about who or what you want or are seeking the “perfect” person or situation.

5. You aren’t taking soul-aligned, inspired actions.

Ready to overcome your obstacles and fulfill your dreams? Sign up now.


What makes this different

White Arrow No other course has all these life-changing tools in one place. It’s a unique combination of neuroscience, psychology, and spirituality to rewire your subconscious, shift your mindset, and clear your energetic blocks. 

White Arrow It’s designed to help you overcome your negative programming and improve your sense of worthiness and confidence so you can become a magnet for your dreams.

White Arrow It includes the simple step-by-step blueprint to manifest the right way. These tools helped a friend attract her future husband the SAME DAY she learned them.

White Arrow  Life-changing courses usually range in the thousands, but you can get access to this course at a significant discount for a limited time.

Join the waitlist and be first in line when the doors open.

Young beautiful arab woman over isolated background smiling with hands on chest with closed eyes and grateful gesture on face. Health concept.

Just Imagine
ArrowToday, you sign up for Blueprint to Your Best Life.

ArrowA couple of months from today, you’ve become the powerful manifestor you were born to be. You’ve released most of the blocks holding you back, you’re feeling really good about yourself and your life, and have created your roadmap to your ideal future.

ArrowSix months from today, you’re living a more fulfilling and rewarding life filled with wonderful people, experiences, and opportunities. 

Wayne Dyer Quote

Research shows we have over 60,000 thoughts a day and most of those thoughts are not only negative, they’re on repeat without you even being aware of them.


Your subconscious mind is far more powerful than your conscious mind. It’s responsible for creating about 95% of your reality, affecting your quality of life and your ability to manifest. 


Here’s the good news. If you don’t like your current reality, you can break the pattern of your programming by rewiring your subconscious mind, clearing energetic blocks, and shifting your mindset. I want to help you become an energetic match to your dreams so you can make them a reality.

Blueprint to Your Best Life is a self-paced, six-module online course with videos and workbooks guiding you step-by-step to your dreams.

Module 1

The tools we’ll use to rewire your mind and manifest

If you’re like me, you want to understand how something works before you apply it to your life. In this module, I explain each of the methods we’ll use to rewire your mind and manifest your goals. One of which is the Law of Attraction. It’s an incredibly powerful force, but people often miss some of the crucial steps when applying it to their lives. 

Module 2

Design your future and expedite your manifestations

This module will help you become crystal clear about what you want in every area of your life.  You’ll also receive a powerful guided visualization and my step-by-step blueprint to creating your new-age vision board with subconscious hacks. Both of these tools will help expedite your manifestations. 

Module 3

Overcome low-energy programming 

The majority of people’s thoughts are not only negative, they’re on auto-pilot, which keeps them stuck in unwanted patterns or blocks their manifestations.  This phase is about rewiring your mind to overcome the fear, self-doubt, anxiety, negative stories, and limiting beliefs holding you back and causing you to self-sabotage.

Module 4

Clear and prevent deep-seated energetic blocks

This module will help clear your deep-seated energetic (chakra) blocks that might be negatively affecting your emotions and sabotaging your relationships and experiences. You’ll also discover how changing simple daily habits can help prevent future blocks.

Module 5

Improve your confidence and sense of self-worth

Your mind believes whatever you feed it the most. In this module, we’ll improve your confidence, self-worth, self-trust, and mindset. This module includes my favorite quick confidence hacks and exercises to challenge and override your inner critic.

Module 6

The 10 steps to manifest your dreams

Now, we tie it all together and you receive the step-by-step blueprint for manifesting your dreams. This includes tips to stop counter-manifesting and 20 ways to raise your vibration to help you become a match to your desires.

You also get access to these 8 Bonuses to help you…

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Hi, I’m Monica. I’m a certified Mindset Coach passionate about helping people achieve their goals. I started down this path over 15 years ago after a difficult divorce (aren’t they all). I felt extremely lost and alone and was terrified about what the future held for me. After a couple of years of feeling sorry for myself and like I would remain stuck (and single) forever, I read Wayne Dyer’s book, The Power of Intention, which opened me to a new way of thinking and sparked something inside me. I started down a path of self-discovery, researching EVERYTHING I could find to feel better about myself and my future.

My life changed dramatically when I started applying the mindset and manifesting tools I learned! Within JUST A FEW MONTHS, I found a place to live in my favorite resort town in Idaho, I landed a lucrative career, and I met my future husband.

These tools continue to help me attract great friends, exciting opportunities, traveling adventures, and a career I’m passionate about, helping others. My life’s not perfect, of course, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. 

Ready to make an investment in yourself and your future? Join today and get instant access to:


The online portal with six pre-recorded training modules.
Six workbooks with transformational exercises.
Eight bonuses with specific advice. Details above.

Tools to help clear and prevent energetic blocks.

A class on creating your new-age vision board.

A guided visualization to help improve your ability to manifest.
A guided meditation to help clear your energetic blocks.

Any future updates to the course.

Money Back Guarantee

I’m really confident this course will transform your life, which is why I offer a 100% money-back guarantee. If you’ve watched all of the program videos and completed the workbook exercises and decide it’s not for you, just submit a refund request via email within 30 days of your original purchase date. 

This course is for you if you are:
Excited to become a powerful manifestor
Ready to put in the work 
Open-minded to new perspectives
Willing to drop your old story and embrace the new
Okay with topics that seem a little “woo-woo”
Ready to take responsibility for your actions

Committed to completing all the assignments
Excited to invest in yourself and your future

This course is not for you if you are:
X Closed off to new perspectives
X Someone who thinks they know it all
X Not ready for a major life shift
X Not prepared to take accountability for your life
X Not willing to put in the work
X Anchored on the story that keeps you stuck
X Looking for a quick fix
X Looking for the “perfect” life 

Are you ready to make an investment in yourself and your future? If so, sign up today.


Do you offer refunds?*
Yes, there is a 100% money-back guarantee. I recommend that you watch all the program videos and complete the workbook exercises. If you’ve done the work and decide it’s not for you, submit a refund request to within 30 days of your original purchase date, and you’ll receive a full refund. *If you’ve received one-on-one coaching with Monica, the course becomes non-refundable. 

How does the one-on-one coaching work?
A few times a year, Monica offers one-on-one coaching calls. If you select a plan that includes coaching, you’ll receive an email to set up your 60 minute call as soon as you purchase the course. This can be on the phone or a face-to-face Zoom call, depending on your preference. If you have any questions regarding those calls, please email

How is the course delivered, and how long will it take to go through it?
You will receive instant access to the course, which is assessed through an online portal. It includes 44 short videos, six workbooks, six bonuses, a guided visualization, and a chakra meditation to help clear your energetic blocks. Going through the self-paced course will take approximately 12 – 14 hours. If you could commit to 2 hours per week, you could complete the course (and change your life) in as little as 7 weeks.

How long will I have access to the course?
You will have lifetime access to the course and any updates made along the way. You’ll receive an email notification whenever those updates take place.

If you have any additional questions, please email

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