
My story

Well, hello there, friend. Thanks so much for stopping by. In case we haven’t met, Hi, I’m Monica.

I’m a Mindset and Manifesting Coach passionate about educating people (along with myself) about how we can shift our energy, subconscious thoughts, and mindset to manifest our best lives.

I’ve spent the past 15 years researching these life-changing tools so that I could pass them on to you.

How it all started

I’ve always felt my purpose was to help others, but for most of my life, I had no idea what that looked like. It took going through an incredibly painful life shift many years ago for me to gain the clarity I needed.
After years of feeling disconnected and trying to make it work, I finally came to the conclusion my marriage was beyond repair.

IrelandI moved back to my hometown because it felt comfortable, but it also felt like a huge step backward. I lost myself during the marriage, and “starting over” felt terrifying to me. I was just going through the motions with no clear direction for my future.

I spent those first few years feeling sorry for myself, venting to my poor sister, and feeling like I would remain stuck (and single) forever. Then, as luck (or fate) would have it, my mom loaned me Wayne Dyer’s book, The Power of Intention.

The lessons in that book opened me to a new way of thinking and sparked something inside of me. I started down a path of self-discovery, researching everything I could find to feel better about myself and my future – reading books, attending seminars, listening to podcasts, watching documentaries, and joining a group of like-minded ladies. My brother-in-law used to tease me about being a self-help junkie, but I finally got to a point where my anxiety and fear about the future subsided because I knew what I wanted, and I had faith in my ability to make it a reality.

Once I understood the tools to rewire the mind and the secrets to manifesting, my life changed dramatically! Within just a few months, I found a place to live in my favorite resort town, a job that was much more lucrative than my freelance work, and I met my future husband, who’s my best friend and partner in adventure.

And now…

JamaicaSince that time, I’ve continued designing a life filled with wonderful people, experiences, and opportunities. I’m grateful for the life I’ve created and that I found my passion for helping others.

Don’t get me wrong, my life is far from perfect, and I certainly don’t have it all figured out (nor will I ever). Personal growth is a process. But I’ve learned how to release the limiting beliefs holding me back and steer my life where I want it to go. After years of helping people make dramatic improvements in their lives, I decided it was time to create an online course so I could easily share this knowledge with others.

If you haven’t done so already, make sure to get access to my Freebie Library, where you’ll receive lots of valuable resources to help improve your outlook, set your intentions, and manifest your goals.

If you have any questions or simply want to reach out, please feel free to contact me. I’d love to hear from you! 

Pic 1: Lake Tahoe with my Matiska sisters. Pic 2: Croatia with my husband. Pic 3: Oahu with my Indigo sisters. Pic 4: Our begging fur babies - Mad Max, Tag, and Tikka Bell
Pic 1: Lake Tahoe with my Matiska sisters. Pic 2: Croatia with my husband. Pic 3: Oahu with my Indigo sisters. Pic 4: Our begging fur babies - Mad Max, Tag, and Tikka Bell

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