How to reach your goals Part II – Rewire your brain

How to reach your goals Part II – Rewire your brain

You may have heard of Neurotransmitters. These chemical messengers in our brains control everything in our bodies, including our breathing, heartbeat, and muscle movement.

Our brains send these chemical messengers from one neuron to the next, and these neurons connect through a network of pathways from one area of our brain to another.

When you repeatedly use a neural pathway, the neurons strengthen, making the thought or action easier to repeat. Picture it like a well-worn footpath in your brain. This is how new skills, habits, and behaviors are formed.

Neural pathways are why you keep thinking, feeling, and acting the same way day after day. They create the basis for your beliefs. 

Furthermore, you can create new neurons at any point in your life. In other words, you’re never too old to learn something new.

The good news is you can rewire your brain to create new neural pathways to alter your thoughts and form new behaviors to help you reach your goals.

So, if there’s something you want and you need help making it a reality, my advice is to try one or all of the following exercises every day.

    • Visualize your dream becoming a reality and the steps needed to reach your goal, sort of like a movie montage. Your mind doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s imagined, so visualizing is an excellent way to promote the growth of new neural connections in your brain, especially if you feel an uplifted emotion while doing it. This action will help you see your situation in a different light, and you’ll start receiving inspiration and ideas guiding you to achieve your goal.
    • Neural pathways take the path of least resistance so if you repeat the same actions, it gets easier for your brain to take that path, and the action becomes easier to repeat. (On average, it takes roughly 66 days to form a new habit, so stick with it.)
    • Lastly, practicing guided meditations is another great way to create new neural pathways to rewire your mind. (I offer one of those meditations in my online course.)

As always, please keep me posted if a tool I’ve provided helps you reach your dreams. Your success stories are what keep me going.

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