At least once a year, I take an assessment of my life and figure out how I want to improve it. I look at what makes me happy (what’s working) and what I want to manifest (improve upon or change). If you’re feeling the need to do this too, follow these 5 steps to setting and achieving your goals
Step 1: Make a list of what you’d like to manifest
Write each goal in the present tense as if you’ve already achieved it. For example, “I am so happy that I found my dream job. I feel like I’m doing something worthwhile and I’m getting compensated generously for it.” If you imagine you already have what you want, the energy of that fulfillment will line up, but if you state that you are still wanting something in the future, that wanting feeling only leads to more wanting.
Keep in mind these are YOUR goals and dreams. Tap into your higher self to get clarity about the intentions that work best for you. Try to tune out the voice of society and people who have expectations of what they think you “should” be doing. This is your life.
Here are some life areas to consider as you go through this process: connections to family and friends, spirituality, personal growth/confidence, romance, financial well-being, physical health, fitness/body image, career/passion, fun and recreation, education/mental development…
Step 2: For each intention, ask yourself…
1. What will it look and feel like when I reach this goal? (Be specific)
2. Why do I want to achieve this goal?
Make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons or it won’t stick. If it doesn’t make you shout “Yes, I want that!” it’s going to be more challenging to achieve.
3. When will I achieve this goal?
Make it a reasonable timeline so you’re not setting yourself up for failure.
4. How will I measure my progress? (This keeps you accountable.)
5. What action can I take to achieve this goal?
What action can you take daily, weekly, and/or monthly to achieve this goal?
If your intention is to get into shape, check out my blog on Achieving Your Fitness Goals.
Step 3: Visualize and feel your intentions as if they’ve already manifested
If you have a hard time visualizing (like I do), add images to each intention turning it into a vision board. This can be easily created using a Word or PowerPoint document and finding images online. If you can see (and feel) what it’s like to achieve each goal, you’ll be far more likely to achieve them. If you’re not familiar with how the Law of Attraction works, I highly recommend reading my blog about manifesting what you want.
The most important part of the attracting process is to feel that excited, high-energy vibration behind the desire before it’s realized. Wanting it isn’t enough. Try to remove resistance (doubt) and believe in your power to manifest. You want to get to the point where you’re so confident your goal(s) will be realized, you’re able to go with the flow and take action upon inspiration. (This exercise also means practicing new thoughts that align with what you want.)
“You’re always getting a perfect vibrational match to what you predominantly give your attention to. But you’ve got to make the best of it. You’ve got to vibrate slightly different from where you are if you’re going to improve where you are…you’ve got to reach for a different thought.” – Abraham Hicks
Step 4: Review your intentions daily
Spend time reviewing your intentions every day, visualizing how it looks and feels when you achieve each goal. This helps keep the focus on each intention front and center so they don’t fall on the back burner of your busy life. (Remember, feeling as if your goal has already come true is the most important part of this process.)
Step 5: Celebrate your success
When you accomplish a goal, make sure to acknowledge and appreciate your success! You worked towards something and succeeded. That should be celebrated!
“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford
Also, as you work toward these 5 steps to setting and achieving your goals, try not to be too hard on yourself. If you slip up, brush it off, and get back on track. If you do something consistently for roughly 2 months (66 days to be exact), you’ll have formed a new habit. Changing your mindset is also going to take some determination and self-discipline, but it’ll be worth it!
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Disclaimer: All information and resources found on this site are based on my opinions and/or research unless otherwise noted. All information is intended to motivate readers to make their own nutrition and health decisions in collaboration with their health care provider(s), and to encourage people to lead happier, healthier lives. I am not a doctor, lawyer, psychiatrist, or therapist. I encourage you to consult a doctor before making any significant health changes, especially ones related to a specific diagnosis or condition. Don’t rely on information on this site to determine your own dietary needs or make a medical diagnosis or treatment for a medical condition. The information on this website is not intended as medical advice. I am also an Amazon Associate, so clicking a product image or link will open the Amazon details page or other e-commerce link for that product. I will receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you in advance if you decide to purchase something.
Wonderful ideas to live by! Great site, Love FATHER